NorCalJack 的钱币相册
Purchased this coin from DLRC. The 1936 proof is well known for poor strikes and bland coins. This coin has a nice even patina and the obverse strike is complete. The reverse is a little weak on the tail feathers and wing detail. But overall this is above average strike.
Purchased this coin from DLRC. The 1936 proof is well known for poor strikes and bland coins. This coin has a nice even patina and the obverse strike is complete. The reverse is a little weak on the tail feathers and wing detail. But overall this is above average strike.
Purchased this from the John Phillips collection. Current No. 1 registry WQ Proof set
I bought this coin on eBay. When I saw the photo of the coin I really could not believe what I saw. The obverse has a cameo head and some frost on the back. At first I did not buy it because I thought it was photo shopped. But then I pulled the trigger. This coin is the most photogenic coin I have ever seen. I have only shown this coin to two coin people and they both asked me if I would sell them the coin. Of course I still have the coin. Of all the nice coins I own, this and my 1957 PR68DCAM are by far the nicest I own.
I bought this coin on eBay. When I saw the photo of the coin I really could not believe what I saw. The obverse has a cameo head and some frost on the back. At first I did not buy it because I thought it was photo shopped. But then I pulled the trigger. This coin is the most photogenic coin I have ever seen. I have only shown this coin to two coin people and they both asked me if I would sell them the coin. Of course I still have the coin. Of all the nice coins I own, this and my 1957 PR68DCAM are by far the nicest I own.
I bought this coin on eBay. When I saw the photo of the coin I really could not believe what I saw. The obverse has a cameo head and some frost on the back. At first I did not buy it because I thought it was photo shopped. But then I pulled the trigger. This coin is the most photogenic coin I have ever seen. I have only shown this coin to two coin people and they both asked me if I would sell them the coin. Of course I still have the coin. Of all the nice coins I own, this and my 1957 PR68DCAM are by far the nicest I own.
I bought this coin on eBay. When I saw the photo of the coin I really could not believe what I saw. The obverse has a cameo head and some frost on the back. At first I did not buy it because I thought it was photo shopped. But then I pulled the trigger. This coin is the most photogenic coin I have ever seen. I have only shown this coin to two coin people and they both asked me if I would sell them the coin. Of course I still have the coin. Of all the nice coins I own, this and my 1957 PR68DCAM are by far the nicest I own.
Purchased this at Heritage Auctions. This is has a green CAC sticker and I love the toning on the coin.
Purchased this from Great Collections. It was in an NGC PR68 holder with a CAC sticker. I cracked it out and submitted raw to PCGS and it came back PR67+. I need to send this into CAC and get a gold sticker on it. Lol
Bought this from Northeastern Numismatics in PR67 NGC holder. I crossed it to a PCGS holder. The coin has all sorts of colors from blue, green, red, orange. That is what attracted me to the coin. Most of these have little to no toning.
Purchased this from Northeast Numismatics. Great looking coin, but wish it had a TrueView. Maybe someday.
I purchased this in a Heritage Auction. PCGS has only graded 9 DCAM proofs in 1950. This coin has heavy frost on both sides.
1952 DCAM's are rare and I now have two. Both are Superbirds, but this one is unattributed.
I bought this coin from John Phillips and the coin has a Michael Fuller pedigree. The coin was in a PR65DCAM holder but had a couple of milk spots on it and I sent it in for restoration to PCGS on 8/15/22. After restoration they regraded the coin as a PR66DCAM. Score a victory for me. Very happy with the upgrade.
Purchased this from Great Collections. I had my eye on this coin for a long time and finally one became available for the right price.
Purchase this coin from AMPEX. Now I am only missing the 1955 DCAM to complete my DCAM set from 1950 - 1964.
Purchased this from Heritage. This coin has amazing fields and could be a DCAM. I may resubmit someday.
I bought this from the John Borst collection. This is the only 1953 ETF Cameo graded by PCGS. This is a great coin for my Cameo Collection.
The 1954 Proof Sets are known for having some very wild toning. Sometimes the toning is not good, but in this case the toning is great. So when this coin came up and I saw the target rainbow toning with the white obverse. Had to have.
The 1954 Proof Sets are known for having some very wild toning. Sometimes the toning is not good, but in this case the toning is great. So when this coin came up and I saw the target rainbow toning with the white obverse. Had to have.
I originally had a 1956 PR67DCAM, but Tommy1 identified it as a Die Gouge Variety. So then I needed to buy this for my Proof Variety set.
I bought this from M&M Collectibles in Temecula, CA. At the time I did not know it was a Die Gouge variety. In fact I had no idea what a variety was until Tommy1 identified the coin and let me know. I then sent into PCGS and this became the first DCAM Die Gouge coin graded by PCGS. This coin is a centerpiece of my collection and I will not sell it.
I bought this coin in an NGC holder off eBay. The holder was really scratched up, but the coin was gorgeous. I had to submit to PCGS twice for cross over and it did cross the second time. I really want to thank the grader for looking past the holder and looking at the coin. This coin has the best frost contrast and mirrored fields of any DCAM I own. I really think this belongs in a 68+DCAM holder. The fields on this coin are spotless and I have not seen a nicer 1957 PR68DCAM in Coinfacts.
Purchase from Rockdoc_guy on eBay. The Cameo contrast on this coin is really high and I have been looking for a frosty cameo for this date for years and finally I found one that I really really liked.
This is the first graded 1959 FS-502 by PCGS. Purchased this coin from Kearney Coins
I purchased this coin from Resco on eBay. The frost on this coin is above average for a DCAM. Sometimes DCAM will have been dipped then they will turn hazy or milk spots. This coin is as fresh as when it was minted.
Bought this from Great Collections. Another great proof variety.
Bought this from Great Collections. Another great proof variety.
Bought this from Great Collections. Another great proof variety.
I bought this coin at Great Collections. Most proof variety quarters are hard to identify off the internet. So it is best to buy already attributed unless you see the coin in hand.
I bought this coin at Great Collections. Most proof variety quarters are hard to identify off the internet. So it is best to buy already attributed unless you see the coin in hand.
I bought this coin at Great Collections. Most proof variety quarters are hard to identify off the internet. So it is best to buy already attributed unless you see the coin in hand.
Purchase this on Great Collections. Not a lot of these in grade 70 so when I saw it I had to have it and did not have to over pay for it either.
Purchase this on Great Collections. Not a lot of these in grade 70 so when I saw it I had to have it and did not have to over pay for it either.
Purchase at Great Collections. I really like the reverse design of the Centennial Coins.
Purchased this from Sirius Sports on eBay. No complaints about a PR70DCAM
Purchased this from Great Collections, now I only have one Silver Proof to complete my Silver Proof Set.
Purchased this from Great Collections, now I only have one Silver Proof to complete my Silver Proof Set.
Purchased on eBay from Siriussports. Really nice looking coin.
Purchased from Great Collections. I had a 100% chance of winning this coin. I meant to bid $26.00 but in my haste of bidding on my phone on Christmas Eve I forgot the decimal and accidentally bid $2,600.00. I was just hoping the under bidder did not make me pay too much for the coin.
Purchased from Great Collections. I had a 100% chance of winning this coin. I meant to bid $26.00 but in my haste of bidding on my phone on Christmas Eve I forgot the decimal and accidentally bid $2,600.00. I was just hoping the under bidder did not make me pay too much for the coin.
Purchased from Great Collections. I had a 100% chance of winning this coin. I meant to bid $26.00 but in my haste of bidding on my phone on Christmas Eve I forgot the decimal and accidentally bid $2,600.00. I was just hoping the under bidder did not make me pay too much for the coin.