ModCrewman 1950-1964 Proof Set 的钱币相册

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1950 1C PR66CAM PCGS #83359

PR66 CAM - Heavy frost blended with light toning on die polished fields on this original gem from a boxed set - Raw purchase

1950 1C PR66CAM PCGS #83359

PR66 CAM - Heavy frost blended with light toning on die polished fields on this original gem from a boxed set - Raw purchase

1950 5C PR67CAM PCGS #84182

PR67 CAM - An outstanding early gem with solid frost on both obverse and reverse against fields with moderate depth. Difficult early cameo. - Raw purchase

1950 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85225

PR67 CAM - Solid cameo with frosty devices and beautiful fields for the first year of post-war proof production.

1950 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85225

PR67 CAM - Solid cameo with frosty devices and beautiful fields for the first year of post-war proof production.

1950 25C PR67+ PCGS #5982

PR67+ - Nicely frosted devices (QA) - Raw Ebay purchase.

1950 25C PR67+ PCGS #5982

PR67+ - Nicely frosted devices (QA) - Raw Ebay purchase.

1950 50C PR67 PCGS #6691

PR67 - Amazingly clean coin with light contrast from the first year of the Franklin proofs - Raw purchase.

1950 50C PR67 PCGS #6691

PR67 - Amazingly clean coin with light contrast from the first year of the Franklin proofs - Raw purchase.

1951 1C PR67RD PCGS #3362

PR67 RD - Very clean early proof with attractive original red color - Raw purchase

1951 1C PR67RD PCGS #3362

PR67 RD - Very clean early proof with attractive original red color - Raw purchase

1951 1C PR67RD PCGS #3362

PR67 RD - Very clean early proof with attractive original red color - Raw purchase

1951 1C PR67RD PCGS #3362

PR67 RD - Very clean early proof with attractive original red color - Raw purchase

1951 5C PR67CAM PCGS #84183

PR67 CAM - Great early proof with deep fields and moderate frost (QA) - Raw purchase.

1951 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85226

PR67 CAM - Nicely contrasted, near DCAM (QA) - Raw purchase.

1951 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85226

PR67 CAM - Nicely contrasted, near DCAM (QA) - Raw purchase.

1951 25C PR67+ PCGS #5983

PR 67+ - Very clean Washington proof with satin fields and attractive rim toning - Raw purchase

1951 50C PR67 PCGS #6692

PR67 - Exceptionally clean original half with satiny fields (CAC) - Raw purchase.

1952 1C PR66CAM PCGS #83365

PR66 CAM - Even frost on both sides of this difficult cameo with deep clean fields (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 1C PR66CAM PCGS #83365

PR66 CAM - Even frost on both sides of this difficult cameo with deep clean fields (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84184

PR68 CAM - Exceptional early cameo proof (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 10C PR68CAM PCGS #85227

PR68 CAM - Incredible key date cameo, very clean (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 10C PR68CAM PCGS #85227

PR68 CAM - Incredible key date cameo, very clean (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 10C PR68CAM PCGS #85227

PR68 CAM - Incredible key date cameo, very clean (QA) - Raw purchase

1952 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86693

PR67 CAM - Bold contrast on this early date cameo Franklin (CAC) - Raw Ebay purchase

1952 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86693

PR67 CAM - Bold contrast on this early date cameo Franklin (CAC) - Raw Ebay purchase

1952 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86693

PR67 CAM - Bold contrast on this early date cameo Franklin (CAC) - Raw Ebay purchase

1953 1C PR67+ CAM PCGS #83368

PR67+ CAM - Very solid premium cameo with a near DCAM obverse.

1953 1C PR67+ CAM PCGS #83368

PR67+ CAM - Very solid premium cameo with a near DCAM obverse.

1953 5C PR67CAM PCGS #84185

PR67 CAM - Heavy contrast against dark fields - Raw purchase

1953 5C PR67CAM PCGS #84185

PR67 CAM - Heavy contrast against dark fields - Raw purchase

1953 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85228

PR67 CAM - Heavily frosted devices against clean black fields - Raw purchase

1953 10C PR67CAM PCGS #85228

PR67 CAM - Heavily frosted devices against clean black fields - Raw purchase

1953 25C PR67CAM PCGS #85985

PR67 CAM - Very clean heavily contrasted early cameo (QA) - Raw purchase

1953 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86694

PR67 CAM - Very nice early cameo from repolished dies.

1953 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86694

PR67 CAM - Very nice early cameo from repolished dies.

1954 1C PR68RD PCGS #3371

PR68 RD - An incredibly clean early proof (QA) - Raw purchase.

1954 5C PR69CAM PCGS #84186

PR69 CAM - Extraordinarily clean coin with deep watery fields (QA) - Raw purchase.

1954 5C PR69CAM PCGS #84186

PR69 CAM - Extraordinarily clean coin with deep watery fields (QA) - Raw purchase.

1954 10C PR68CAM PCGS #85229

PR68 CAM - Extremely clean early proof with snow white devices and deep fields, near DCAM - Raw purchase

1954 25C PR67CAM PCGS #85986

PR67 CAM - Near DCAM but fields that come up just short - Raw purchase

1954 25C PR67CAM PCGS #85986

PR67 CAM - Near DCAM but fields that come up just short - Raw purchase

1954 50C PR67DCAM PCGS #96695

PR67 DCAM - Extraordinary early DCAM coin with monster frost and deep black fields - Raw Ebay purchase

1954 50C PR67DCAM PCGS #96695

PR67 DCAM - Extraordinary early DCAM coin with monster frost and deep black fields - Raw Ebay purchase

1955 1C PR68RD PCGS #3374

PR68RD - An extremely clean early Lincoln with a solid cameo obverse, but a reverse coming up just short - Raw purchase

1955 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95230

PR68DCAM - Near top pop DCAM Roosevelt, only a single coin holds a higher grade - Raw purchase

1955 25C PR68CAM PCGS #85987

PR68 CAM - Jet-black fields with heavy frost, near DCAM - Raw purchase

1955 25C PR68CAM PCGS #85987

PR68 CAM - Jet-black fields with heavy frost, near DCAM - Raw purchase

1955 50C PR68CAM PCGS #86696

PR68 CAM - Gem evenly frosted cameo (CAC).

1956 1C PR68CAM PCGS #83377

PR68 CAM - Heavy cameo frost and exceptionally clean deep fields (QA) - Raw purchase

1956 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84188

PR68 CAM - Near DCAM for one of the most difficult cameo years for Jeffersons (QA) - Raw purchase.

1956 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84188

PR68 CAM - Near DCAM for one of the most difficult cameo years for Jeffersons (QA) - Raw purchase.

1956 25C PR68DCAM PCGS #95988

PR68 DCAM - Cut out of a flat pack, my first DCAM find (QA) - Raw purchase

1956 50C Type 2 PR69CAM PCGS #86697

PR69 CAM - Extremely clean coin with deep cameo frost against fields with moderate depth. - Raw purchase.

1957 1C PR68RD PCGS #3380

PR68 RD - Very clean Lincoln proof with some cameo contrast - Raw purchase.

1957 1C PR68RD PCGS #3380

PR68 RD - Very clean Lincoln proof with some cameo contrast - Raw purchase.

1957 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84189

PR68 CAM - Excellent raw pick, in a $30 proof set (QA) - Raw purchase

1957 10C PR68CAM PCGS #85232

PR68 CAM - Beautiful proof with heavy obverse frost - Raw purchase.

1957 25C PR68CAM PCGS #85989

PR68 CAM - Very clean coin with DCAM obverse - Raw purchase

1957 50C PR68CAM PCGS #86698

PR68 CAM - Very clean and nicely frosted cameo (CAC) - Raw purchase.

1958 1C PR68CAM PCGS #83383

PR68 CAM - Very clean final year wheat reverse Lincoln with a bright red color and deep fields.

1958 1C PR68CAM PCGS #83383

PR68 CAM - Very clean final year wheat reverse Lincoln with a bright red color and deep fields.

1958 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84190

PR68 CAM - Beautiful coin with DCAM Obverse, only a single PR 69 CAM better (QA) - Raw purchase

1958 10C PR68+ CAM PCGS #85233

PR68+ CAM - Extremely clean gem proof.

1958 25C PR67DCAM PCGS #95990

PR67DCAM - Incredible deep cameo coin from a difficult year for cameos - Raw purchase

1958 50C PR68DCAM PCGS #96699

PR68 DCAM - Incredible DCAM of one of the most difficult years for cameos (CAC) - Raw Ebay purchase.

1958 50C PR68DCAM PCGS #96699

PR68 DCAM - Incredible DCAM of one of the most difficult years for cameos (CAC) - Raw Ebay purchase.

1959 1C PR67DCAM PCGS #93386

PR67 DCAM - Amazing DCAM with minor obverse spotting preventing a higher grade - Raw Ebay purchase

1959 1C PR67DCAM PCGS #93386

PR67 DCAM - Amazing DCAM with minor obverse spotting preventing a higher grade - Raw Ebay purchase

1959 5C PR67CAM PCGS #84191

PR67 CAM - Heavily frosted, with a light golden toning - Raw purchase

1959 10C PR67DCAM PCGS #95234

PR67 DCAM - Sharply detailed and contrasted piece from fresh dies (QA) - Raw purchase

1959 25C PR68DCAM PCGS #95991

PR68 DCAM - Incredible top pop with deep clean fields (QA) - Raw purchase

1959 25C PR68DCAM PCGS #95991

PR68 DCAM - Incredible top pop with deep clean fields (QA) - Raw purchase

1959 50C PR67CAM PCGS #86700

PR67 CAM - FINALLY! It took 8 years of searching to finally make a high grade cameo for what I believe is the most difficult Franklin half in cameo. - Raw purchase

1960 1C Small Date PR68DCAM PCGS #93392

PR68 DCAM Small Date - Golden frosted devices on jet black fields, jaw-dropping coin.

1960 5C PR68DCAM PCGS #94192

PR68 DCAM - Very heavy contrast on this DCAM - Raw purchase

1960 5C PR68DCAM PCGS #94192

PR68 DCAM - Very heavy contrast on this DCAM - Raw purchase

1960 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95235

PR68 DCAM - Exceptionally strong frost - Raw purchase

1960 25C PR68DCAM PCGS #95992

PR68 DCAM - Incredibly deep fields with heavy contrast - Raw purchase

1960 50C PR68DCAM PCGS #96701

PR68 DCAM - A snow white gem, the most difficult 1960's Franklin DCAM (CAC) - Raw purchase.

1961 1C PR67DCAM PCGS #93395

PR67 DCAM - Heavily contrasted red proof - Raw purchase

1961 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95236

PR68 DCAM - Obverse frost is caked thick Ebay (QA) - Raw purchase

1961 50C PR67+ CAM PCGS #86702

PR67+ CAM - DCAM reverse, with an obverse coming up just short on the frost - Raw purchase

1961 50C PR67+ CAM PCGS #86702

PR67+ CAM - DCAM reverse, with an obverse coming up just short on the frost - Raw purchase

1962 1C PR68DCAM PCGS #93398

PR68 DCAM - Great coin with heavily frosted devices (QA) - Raw purchase

1962 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84194

PR68 CAM - Very clean, near DCAM

1962 5C PR68CAM PCGS #84194

PR68 CAM - Very clean, near DCAM

1962 25C PR69DCAM PCGS #95994

PR69 DCAM - Snow white devices against glowing fields, this coin has pop.

1962 50C PR68DCAM PCGS #96703

PR68 DCAM - Very clean Franklin proof with deep watery fields and heavy frost (CAC) - Raw purchase.

1962 50C PR68DCAM PCGS #96703

PR68 DCAM - Very clean Franklin proof with deep watery fields and heavy frost (CAC) - Raw purchase.

1963 1C PR68DCAM PCGS #93401

PR68 DCAM - Exceptionally clean DCAM (QA) - Raw purchase

1963 5C PR68DCAM PCGS #94195

PR68 DCAM - Superb DCAM example - CU BST purchase

1963 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95238

PR68 DCAM - Blast white example with snow white devices. Raw purchase.

1963 25C PR69DCAM PCGS #95995

PR68 DCAM - Near perfect gem Washington from a great DCAM year.

1963 50C PR67DCAM PCGS #96704

PR67 DCAM - Awesome Raw pickup spotted by my 12 year old son.

1964 1C PR69DCAM PCGS #93404

PR69 DCAM - Exceptional DCAM nearly perfect (QA) - Raw purchase

1964 5C PR69DCAM PCGS #94196

PR69 DCAM - Blazing frosted devices against exceptionally clean fields - Raw purchase

1964 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95239

PR68 DCAM - Snow White gem, fields that you can get lost in - Raw purchase

1964 10C PR68DCAM PCGS #95239

PR68 DCAM - Snow White gem, fields that you can get lost in - Raw purchase

1964 25C PR69DCAM PCGS #95996

PR69 DCAM - Extremely clean silver Washington quarter with snow white devices and deep black fields, top pop. - Raw purchase

1964 50C PR69CAM PCGS #86800

PR69 CAM - Near DCAM, extraordinarily clean coin with heavy frost and deep fields (QA) - Raw purchase