1837 Mint Set with Gold
1837 marked the beginning of the transitional period for U.S. silver coins from the earlier Capped Bust design which dated from the end of the first decade of the century. First to make the switch were the Half Dimes and Dimes, which adopted the new Liberty Seated design part way through the year. (The Quarter would follow in 1838 and the Half Dollar would make the switch the year after that.) The cent continued its slow "transformation" from the earlier Coronet or Matron head style begun in 1816 to the new Braided Hair design which would appear by 1839. In the interim, between 1835 and 1839, a series of transitional designs appeared which bridged the gap between the two styles. This is the last year for the relatively easy addition of gold as the branch mints would begin production the following year. Only two gold coins are needed for he 1837 mint set; a Quarter Eagle and a Half Eagle. Although they are of the Classic Head type, neither is a rare date. But being a gold issue nearly 180 years old, the top MS grades will be quite expensive. Nice XF's or AU's are reasonable though, so this is a very completable set.
Notes: This set has bonuses. Please see the Set Composition for a listing.