Grandkid's college fund. 的钱币相册

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1909 VDB 1C MS65BN PCGS #2423

Wild secret colors.

1909 VDB 1C MS65BN PCGS #2423

Wild secret colors.

1934 1C MS64RD PCGS #2635

Slight toner.

1957-D 1C MS66RD PCGS #2845

Die chip on wheat stalk.

1957-D 1C MS66RD PCGS #2845

Die chip on wheat stalk.

1958 1C MS65RD PCGS #2848

Die chip on E in liberty.

1958 1C MS65RD PCGS #2848

Die chip on E in liberty.

1972 1C DDO FS-102 AU58BN PCGS #38014

*In the close-ups, some contrast editing was done to best show doubling*

1972 1C DDO FS-102 AU58BN PCGS #38014

*In the close-ups, some contrast editing was done to best show doubling*

1972 1C DDO FS-102 AU58BN PCGS #38014

*In the close-ups, some contrast editing was done to best show doubling*

1964 1C PR68RD PCGS #3404


1964 1C PR68RD PCGS #3404
