coins53149 的钱币相册
1901 $2.50 MS64
PCGS #7853
1901 $2.50 MS64
PCGS #7853
1909-D $5 MS61
PCGS #8514
1909-D $5 MS61
PCGS #8514
1926 $10 MS63
PCGS #8882
1926 $10 MS63
PCGS #8882
1908 $20 No Motto MS64
PCGS #9142
My mother’s wedding gift to my father. Purchased on layaway from Marshall Fields in Chicago for $70.00.
1908 $20 No Motto MS64
PCGS #9142
My mother’s wedding gift to my father. Purchased on layaway from Marshall Fields in Chicago for $70.00.