SLW 的钱币相册
1811/0 1C G6BN
PCGS #1558
1811/0 1C G6BN
PCGS #1558
1836 10C FR2
PCGS #4528
1836 10C FR2
PCGS #4528
1806 25C PO1
PCGS #5314
1806 25C PO1
PCGS #5314
1836 25C VF30
PCGS #5355
1836 25C VF30
PCGS #5355
1829 50C AU53
PCGS #6154
1829 50C AU53
PCGS #6154
1898-O $1 MS63
PCGS #7254
1898-O $1 MS63
PCGS #7254
1923 $1 MS64
PCGS #7360
I bought this coin from Rust Coin in SLC shortly before they were forced to close…evidently the owner Gaylin had a Ponzie Scheme going, embezzling quite a few million dollars, it was based on the selling and holding of silver in their coffers. He bought vacation homes, race horses, etc. He’s now in prison.
1923 $1 MS64
PCGS #7360
I bought this coin from Rust Coin in SLC shortly before they were forced to close…evidently the owner Gaylin had a Ponzie Scheme going, embezzling quite a few million dollars, it was based on the selling and holding of silver in their coffers. He bought vacation homes, race horses, etc. He’s now in prison.