itsrainingvodka 的钱币相册
1889 1C PR65RB
PCGS #2355
1958 1C PR66RB
PCGS #3382
1958 5C PR66
PCGS #4190
1958 10C PR67
PCGS #5233
1958 25C PR67
PCGS #5990
1896 50C PR66+ CAM
PCGS #86543
Legend rated this a 10.5 on their 0-10 scale for color. I have never seen that before from them. CAC
1963 50C PR66
PCGS #6704
1869 $1 PR64+
PCGS #7017
Heritage description: 1869 $1 PR64 PCGS. OC-P3, Low R.4. Dramatic fire-red, magenta, lemon-gold, and sea-green toning encompass this sharply struck and well-preserved near-Gem. The seated Liberty displays infrequent thin marks, but the fields are unblemished. Proof Seated dollars are seldom encountered with such lavish multicolor patina. Population: 58 in 64, 26 finer (12/23).(Registry values: N2998) Upgraded to 64+.
1922 $1 MS66
PCGS #7357