Platinum Eagles $50, Circulation Strikes (1997-present) 全部各时代最优列表

The Platinum Eagle Series began in 1997, and was a follow-up to the popular Silver and Gold Eagles of the previous decade. The obverse featured John Mercanti's attractive closeup of the face of the Statue of Liberty while the reverse portrayed Thomas Rogers' majestic eagle in flight. Like the Gold Eagles, the Platinum coins were made in four weights; the 1/10 ounce ($10), the quarter ounce ($25), the half ounce ($50) and the one ounce ($100). Circulation strike and all Fractional Platinum Eagles were made through 2008 while the full one ounce Proofs remain in production. The low mintage burnished Circulation strikes struck at West Point from 2006 to 2008 will be the toughest to acquire, but should not prove too difficult.

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