Proof Appreciator 的钱币相册
1941 1C PR63RB
PCGS #3349
Toned, won on eBay auction. I found out about this coin whole watching the Coin Geek YouTube page, specifically a CAC results video
1882 3CN PR66
PCGS #3778
1969-S 50C PR69CAM
PCGS #86805
Found on "Shop Dealer Affiliates" while on CoinFacts. Has what I call "Brown Ike Toning", a light, blueish haze that disappears completely in certain angles but is super vibrant in others
1969-S 50C PR69CAM
PCGS #86805
Found on "Shop Dealer Affiliates" while on CoinFacts. Has what I call "Brown Ike Toning", a light, blueish haze that disappears completely in certain angles but is super vibrant in others