1904 1/2C MS66RB
PCGS #90007
1915-S 1C MS63BN
PCGS #90066
1920 1C MS64RB
PCGS #90091
1925-M 1C MS64RD
PCGS #90101
1938-M 1C MS65RD
PCGS #90173
1940-M 1C MS64RD
PCGS #90179
1916-S 5C AU58
PCGS #90195
1918-S 5C VF35
PCGS #90197
1920 5C MS62
PCGS #90200
1932-M 5C MS64
PCGS #90208
1938-M 5C MS64
PCGS #90229
1904-S 10C MS65+
PCGS #90240
1907-S 10C MS63
PCGS #90248
1909-S 10C MS62
PCGS #90250
1915-S 10C MS62
PCGS #90256
1918-S 10C MS65
PCGS #90258
1920 10C MS64
PCGS #90260
1929-M 10C MS63
PCGS #90262
1935-M 10C MS64
PCGS #90263
1905 10C PR66
PCGS #90270
1906 10C PR63
PCGS #90271
1941-M 10C MS65
PCGS #90281
1941-M 10C MS67
PCGS #90281
1904-S 20C MS64
PCGS #90291
1907 20C MS64
PCGS #90299
1910-S 20C MS60
PCGS #90303
1910-S 20C MS62
PCGS #90303
1914-S 20C MS62
PCGS #90308
1915-S 20C AU55
PCGS #90309
1915-S 20C MS62
PCGS #90309
1905 20C PR62
PCGS #90325
1906 20C PR67+
PCGS #90326
1944-D 20C MS66
PCGS #90334
1908-S 50C MS62
PCGS #90355
1909-S 50C MS62
PCGS #90356
1918-S 50C MS64
PCGS #90358
1919-S 50C MS64
PCGS #90359
1920 50C MS62
PCGS #90360
1921 50C MS63
PCGS #90361
1921 50C MS64
PCGS #90361
1903-S Peso MS61
PCGS #90382
1903-S Peso MS63
PCGS #90382
1906-S Peso N1
PCGS #90386
1906-S Peso XF40
PCGS #90386
1909-S Peso MS62
PCGS #90395
1911-S Peso AU53
PCGS #90397
1912-S Peso AU53
PCGS #90398
1933-M 1C Allen-2.30a RPD MS64RB
PCGS #516000
The RPD is identified by the doubling of the serif, and the inside of both loops of the 9. Also see the top curve of the 3 - it is doubled on the outside right side. All of these characteristics can be seen in the picture with difficulty due to the dark color of the coin, but knowing where to look will aid in identification. Downloading the blown up full size picture from Coin Facts provides more detail.
1944-S/S 50C Allen-15.01a MS62
PCGS #516031
Note not only is this a 1944-S/S - it also has the Obverse of 1907-1921.