Nelrak 的钱币相册
1909-S VDB 1C MS65RB
PCGS #2427
1909 1C Lincoln PR65RB
PCGS #3304
1909 1C Lincoln PR65RB
PCGS #3304
1883 5C Shield PR65
PCGS #3838
1883 5C No CENTS PR65
PCGS #3878
1883 5C No CENTS PR65
PCGS #3878
1913 5C Type 1 MS66
PCGS #3915
1913 5C Type 2 MS65
PCGS #3921
1942-P 5C Silver MS67
PCGS #4016
1938 5C PR67
PCGS #4175
1938 5C PR67
PCGS #4175
1875 20C PR62
PCGS #5303
1976-S 25C Silver MS68
PCGS #5898
1976-S 50C Silver MS67
PCGS #6728
1883 T$1 Trade PR63
PCGS #7063
1881-S $1 MS64
PCGS #7130
1883 $1 PR64
PCGS #7318
1972-S $1 Silver MS68
PCGS #7411
1976-S $1 Silver MS67
PCGS #7422
1926-S 50C Oregon MS66+
PCGS #9341
1926-S 50C Oregon MS66+
PCGS #9341
1998 1C Wide AM MS65RD
PCGS #83148
1946-S 10C MS66FB
PCGS #85084
1883 50C PR66CAM
PCGS #86444
1909-S/S 1C S/Horizontal S MS63RD
PCGS #92434
When compared to the MS64 and MS65 offered for sale at the same time, this coins eye appeal was much nicer. The small nick on the O in One and on Lincoln's Cheek are probably the reason why this coin got MS63 it should be actually a 64, which is why it was purchased. The actual coin is golden and not as dark as shown in the photos.
2009-S 5C PR70DCAM
PCGS #407262