1843-D $2.50 Small D AU53 认证号27358970, PCGS号7730


CAC Doug Winter


David Akers (1975/88)

All known examples of the 1843-D have a small date. There are varieties known with a large mintmark and also varieties with a small mintmark. This is the most common D mint quarter eagle, and although they are rare, uncirculated specimens are known. The specimens that I have seen are generally quite well struck, in contrast to many Dahlonega Mint issues.

Doug Winter

In 1843, the number of quarter eagles struck at the Dahlonega Mint exceeded the combined production of all four of the previous issues. In fact, the 36,209 pieces produced represents the highest mintage figure for any Dahlonega quarter eagle. Not surprisingly, this is the most common quarter eagle from this mint.

The 1843-D is an easily obtainable coin in the lower circulated grades and average quality About Uncirculated examples can be located with minimal effort. It is much rarer than generally realized in the highest About Uncirculated grades and it is extremely rare in full Mint State.

STRIKE: The 1843-D is the best struck of the early Dahlonega quarter eagles. It generally shows detail which is superior to most coins from this mint. On the typical example, the obverse is quite sharp. There may be some weakness on the curls around the eye of Liberty but most are very bold at the center. The stars are sharp and most show full radial lines. The milling is complete although it may sometimes be a bit blurry at the 5:00-7:00 area. The reverse is also well struck. Most examples are weak on the eagle’s right leg but the other details on the legs, neck, and wing tips are full. The milling is bold with the exception of the 11:00-1:00 area which is sometimes weak.

SURFACES: Many show detracting abrasions or other signs of mishandling. This is a frequently cleaned issue and the surfaces often show deep, obtrusive hairlines. It is possible to locate an 1843-D which has choice surfaces but it may prove more difficult than a coin of this relatively high availability would suggest.

LUSTER: The luster on high-grade 1843-D quarter eagles is above average. Many show rich, frosty luster. Some are known with semi-prooflike to almost fully prooflike fields.

COLORATION: A broad range of colors have been observed on original, high grade examples. Medium to deep orange-gold and medium coppery-green hues are most frequently seen. Locating original 1843-D quarter eagles has become harder in recent years as many have been cleaned or dipped.

EYE APPEAL: The level of eye appeal for the 1843-D quarter eagle is above average. In fact, this date is very good for use as a type coin since it can sometimes be found with a good strike, acceptable surfaces, nice luster, and pleasing color.

PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: The 1843-D was clearly a workhorse issue among Dahlonega quarter eagles. When available, the typical piece is well worn. Moreover, this is an extremely rare coin in full Mint State. This is atypical of many of the issues from the 1850’s, which tend to be rare by virtue of their low mintage figures, show less wear from commercial usage when compared to counterparts from the early 1840’s, and can be found in higher grades on a proportionally greater basis.

DIE VARIETIES: There are a total of four die varieties known. Three of these use the Small D mintmark (as on the 1840-1842 issues) while one uses the Large D mintmark (as on the 1844-1859 issues). These are two major varieties which should be recognized by collectors and one of each reverse needs to be included in a quarter eagle set to make it truly complete.

Variety 4-D: Small Mintmark. All four varieties of the 1843-D quarter eagle employ the same obverse die. Only a Small Date was used with the 1 positioned equally between the bust and the denticles and the 3 positioned fairly close to the denticles. Early die states show the 1 lightly repunched at its left base. The reverse is possibly the same die described under 1841 Variety 2-D. This is the second most common variety. Late die states show a crack which develops from the rim through the right side of the first S in STATES, through the field to the feathers in the wing. Another crack develops at the D in the denomination and extends on to the rim.

Variety 4-F: Small Mintmark. This variety uses the reverse described under 1842 Variety 3-F. On late die state coins, a die crack runs from the rim through the F in OF and into the field toward the neck of the eagle.

This is the most common variety of this year.

Variety 4-G: Small Mintmark. The reverse was used only in 1843. The shaft of the arrow is joined to the mintmark at the right edge of the upright. The fraction bar extends to the right side of the opening in the mintmark. The feather enters the opening of the mintmark from the upper right side. The right edge of the upright of the 1 in the fraction is below the left edge of the lower serif of the mintmark.

This variety is extremely rare with only one coin currently known to exist.

Gordon Wrubel

The Small D mintmark has the left top of the D spaced away from the eagle's talon. On the Large D mintmark the left top of the D nearly touches the eagle's talon.
Christian Gobrecht
18.00 毫米
4.18 克
90% Gold, 10% Copper
The United States of America
PCGS 数量报告
拍卖 - PCGS 评级的
拍卖 - NGC 评级的

稀有性和存量估计 了解更多

所有评级 300 R-6.4 97 / 147 TIE 97 / 147 TIE
60或以上 15 R-9.3 78 / 147 TIE 78 / 147 TIE
65或以上 0 R-10.1 1 / 147 1 / 147
所有评级 300
60或以上 15
65或以上 0
所有评级 R-6.4
60或以上 R-9.3
65或以上 R-10.1
所有评级 97 / 147 TIE
60或以上 78 / 147 TIE
65或以上 1 / 147
所有评级 97 / 147 TIE
60或以上 78 / 147 TIE
65或以上 1 / 147

状况普查 了解更多

位置 评级 缩略图 家谱和历史
1 MS63 PCGS grade
1 MS63 PCGS grade
3 MS62 PCGS grade PCGS #7730 (MS)     62
3 MS62 PCGS grade PCGS #7730 (MS)     62
3 MS62 PCGS grade
#1 MS63 PCGS grade
#1 MS63 PCGS grade
PCGS #7730 (MS)     62 #3 MS62 PCGS grade
PCGS #7730 (MS)     62 #3 MS62 PCGS grade
#3 MS62 PCGS grade