1652 Shilling Oak Tree, "In" at Bottom XF45 认证号30816026, PCGS号45362
Ron Guth
Oak Tree Shillings are found in five major, rather self-explanatory varieties:
IN at left - the word IN appears on the left side of the obverse instead of at the bottom
IN at bottom - the word IN appears at the bottom of the obverse instead of on the left side
Spiny Tree - the tree has an unusual thorny appearance, with sharp spikes instead of leaves
Ghost Tree - all elements of the tree are thin and appear to be sitting in a depression
ANDO - the word ANDOM (for Anno Domini, or A.D.) is shortened to ANDO
Each of the major varieties represent one or more distinct die varieties, some of which are extremely rare.
All Oak tree varities are rare in high grade and/or on broad planchets with a centered strike. Many have planchet flaws from having been improperly cut or punched from a strip of silver, and others became deformed or split upon striking or rolling.