Fusterpuck's Seated Liberty Half Set
My collection of Seated Liberty halves, mostly circulated pieces. I'm trying for a nice original looking set, not an endless parade of blast white VF's. I started working on this set when I couldn't find any nice Capped Bust halves, so what was once a fallback collection starting becoming another set! It is worth the time and patience to find nice, attractive and original coins. They are out there!
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Wonderful collection. Congratulations.
Wish I had started mine when you did. These are so expensive and scarce these days.
I have a CACed ms-64 1873 arrows half I paid $3400 for you can have for $3250 if you are interested? I think i have a couple of other upgrades as well you might be interested in. Brian I have 99 sets listed.
This is an absolutely outstanding collection of beautiful coins!