Mr. Perfection 14


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退休统计 2024/8/8

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关于此套币: 2017
I added very few coins this year. There have been few to no top CAC examples worth buying that improve the set
more than marginally. I did buy a handful of top DMPL and PL coins but they do not improve this set.
As I stated before the only way to move this set up is to spend hundreds of thousands buying key
dates that are not DMPL or PL, for example a 93-S. The top set has a 63 which raises the set a very significant
amount. I do not believe that is fair in that it is not a DMPL or a PL and spending this much money on a single or
a handful of coins is not in the spirit of the registry.
Mr. Hansen entered the market this year in a big way! In this case it appear he bought one of the best sets instead of
putting it together like he is doing with most of his other sets. I actually like this move.
Once again I will repeat that CAC is probably the hardest on DMPL's and PL's and any top set need to be almost all

Complete CAC set except for one coin!
I have had this set for a long time. DMPL's are truly special coins! PL's as well. I believe these two series are the most important to
be CAC approved and be strong for the grade. With chronic gradeflation over the last ten years, having the best DMPL's and PL's is crucial.
Good mirrors, nice contrast, less marks and more are key to a top set in these two series. Many coins that are not CAC approved are at the very low end of the grade and a top set should want the best examples. I believe that CAC is the toughest on DMPL's, PL's and cents, based on years of experience looking and collecting all types of coins. Far less pass than coins of other series. I challenge Mr. Ashmore, Mr. Ranch, Mr. Richard, Mr. Texas and other top DMPL/PL collectors to see how many coins CAC believes are strong for the grade!

I am pretty much done improving this set for three reasons.

I am not an ego type person so hopefully this does not sound wrong. This set has some of the finest DMPL's it in. Why? Mike DeFalco who passed away several years ago. He helped me acquire many of the top DMPL coins. This man for lack of better words was anal about DMPL's. He seemed to know every one like they were his children.
There was no one more selective than Mike. There are not many gem examples of certain years and he knew most of them, who owned them, where they were sold etc.
He would only buy the best examples regardless of price, grade or my need. He even passed on a few CAC DMPL's!
Even when they were cracked and got a new PCGS number, he recognized the coin! He was so good and critical of every coin. Many were purchased when CAC was fairly new so they had no stickers. I believe all but ONE of the coins he purchased passed. He bought them with his own money and took the risk as he knew I only wanted CAC coins.
Many times there is a huge difference in DMPL/PL of the same grade. Again CAC and coins that are strong for the grade mean so much more in this set, at least to me.

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I would highly suggest that you start your PROOFLIKE ONLY Set. Then you don’t have to worry about the 93-s. I assure you we had to compete against the folks who go out and buy top pop dinky date coins and get extra points and the coins don’t even have the same or higher point. Slur than the top PL COIN In the set. It is COMPLETELY screwed up

日期: 7/2/2019 9:19 上午 张贴人: ashmore86
