The Weber Collection ~ British Monarchy Groat

描述: Groat Coinage ~ 4 Pence Coins from King Edward IV, King Henry VII, King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I

A Groat is equivilant to 4 Pennies in England Coin or 1/3 of a Shilling. That said the 1/2 Groat is 2 Pennies meaning 1/6th of a Shilling.

King Henry VI- House of Lancaster ~ 1422-1461/1470-1471 ~ 1/2 Groat from 1st Reign
King Edward IV - House of York ~ 1461-1483
Missing Edward V and Richard III
King Henry VII - House of Tudor ~ 1485-1509
King Henry VIII - House of Tudor ~ 1509-1547
Missing Edward VI and Mary I
Queen Elizabeth I - House of Tudor ~ 1558-1603
Missing James I & VI of Scotland

I also have a King Charles I Shilling from 1625-1626 appx date of coin from his reign as King from the House of Stuart from 1625-1649 ungraded at this time.

I have a set of the shillings from King Charles II forward to current time also in my collection.

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