Dimeman's dime varieties not assigned by PCGS yet. 的展示图片库
Baby Bearded Goddess Variety (also a JR8) - Coast to Coast Coins. I look at all 1827's looking for the JR10 & JR14 and have never seen this obverse before....So I named it!
#14 (R6) - Seated Dime No Drapery - Brian Greer - FUN 2013.
Large "O" F105 (R5) - Teaparty - Very nice original coin that is hard to find in any grade.
F-117 (R5) RPD 52/52 with defects (S)tates & Ame(R)ica on Reverse - Got this neat Variety from John Caswell.
UL RPM 2nd "C" Different from F133 - Piedmont Rare Coin - FUN 2016. This is the only one of these I have ever seen!
RPM C/C 2nd "C" F133 (R5+) - Harry Smith - Very rare - only one attributed as of 12/17/16.
F-104 (R2) Completely Broken "3" in Date Variety - also slight repunching of 3 (upper top back) - Darrell K.
#91 (R5) - This is a very hard to find variety with 4 extra digits above date in rock. Springfield Summer Show 2018.
Small "s" Centered - F105 (R5) - Made this coin. Bought from Brian Greer.
Unlisted die Rev. D/C's & clash (Shield) in "ONE" - Beautiful Tone - Palos Verdes Auction @ Gerry Fortin.
DLRC - RPD-UL 18/898. Repunching at bottom of 1st 8 in Date- Beautiful toned coin.
RPD-UL 898/898 Repunching in upper and lower loops of both 8's and in upper loop of 9 - Also, the designer initial is missing - Ebay.
I made from Bruce Longyear (Teaparty) RPD-001 Below foot of "1" and slightly at bottom of 8. Beautiful medium pastel toning
RPD (UL) 8/8 upper loop and recutting between 9's - Ebay - I really don't see the cleaning - Nice coin.
RPD-UL - Repunching on all 4 digits, but most notably on 9 & 5 - Americana Rare Coins.
Teletrade - This RPD is not listed in David Lawrences' book. 9 has repunching and 6 is triple punched. Beautiful Rainbow colors
RPD-UL all 4 digits at bottom & inside upper 6 - Great Collections Auction.
RPD 6/6 but no RPM like the FS301. Date placement is also different. MM placement is same with "S" to right and tilted CCW. Very nice litely toned coin. Former Mike Hayes coin.
RPD-011 with MPD in Dentil's below 0 in Date - Got this lovely Dime from David Kahn.
RPD (unlisted) Repunching in both Upper & Lower loops of the 8 in date - Ebay.
RPD-UL 1908/908 - I made - Centralia Coin - Beautiful irridecent rainbow tone.
RPD-UL Bottom Loop of 8 - Pretty Dime for grade - Great Collections Auction.
High Date - Second 1 in date almost touches bust. Teaparty - Nice original coin in OGH.
RPM-3 - Found at July 2016 Springfield Show - PCGS AU Details. (not that bad)
Small "D" (1916-1917) - Americana Rare Coin (Glenn H.) Very pretty toned Mercury Dime.
Filled Mint Mark - DLRC - I have only seen 2 of these in all my searching.
MintMark "D" overlaps Leaf - Pretty Mercury Dime - Great Collections Auction.
RPM-2 (South) - Got this coin from Frank Doty Jr. - This is the discovery coin for this variety discovered by Bill Fivaz 12/26/1998. This is the coin pictured for this RPM on the CONECA site.
DDO Unlisted - Slight doubling on Date & Designer Intials - Centrailia Coin - Springfield March 2019 Show.
FS-501 RPM-1 - Dave's - I think PCGS was harsh on this grade.
DDO Die-1 D/C between TR in TRUST & doubling in the Date - Beautiful toning - Found on Ebay.
DDO Die-2 - Found on Ebay. Doubling can be seen on all four digits of the date. D/C thru "B" in LIBERTY.
RPM-8 - I bought this coin back in 1993. Sent it in to Dr. Wiles in 2017. It was entered in the CONECA listings as a new RPM. This is the discovery coin.
Die-1 - Eugege Bruder. FUN 2013. FS511 with D/C from faces to stem. Die-1.
RPM-2 - This MM was actually punched in backwards with the round front of the D showing out of the back to the West. Neat variety. Ebay.
RPM-12 - Ebay - The RPM's 5, 12 & 14 are very similar, but each is a little different.
RPM-14 - L&C - RPM's 5, 12, and 14 are similar, but slightly different.
RPM-17 - PUP for this variety is the die gouge thru O to F in OF on reverse - Ebay.
FS511 - Ebay - I am calling this the 511 due to the Mintmark being exactly like the 1945-S FS511 in the CPG.
DDO-5 - NOT the FS-101 - Made this coin. Picked this coin raw at the Springfield summer show 2012.
High D - Mint Mark is far right and up high in the crotch of the leaf and branch. STL show Feb 2019.
RPM-30 - Nice bright coin of this hard to find RPM - Found this raw on Ebay.
RPM-UL (like 30) Repunching inside same as 30, but some showing South - Ebay.
No "JS" - The designer initials are missing like on the 1954-S Variety - I found this coin on the Great Collections Auction.
FS-505 RPM-5 - Found this in the wild on Ebay.
RPM-8 & DDO-5 - Got this beautifully toned Roosie in a trade with Dennis King at the 2018 FUN show.
This is the "san serif" variety, which is not rare on the 1947. Very pretty rainbow irredisent toning.
Bugs Bunny - Reeded Edge - Ebay. I am calling this the "Bugs Bunny" based on the look of the mouth like the Franklin Half name sake.
This RPM-1 was added to the New CPG 2023 - Found on Ebay.
Filled "S" - Dennis King ANA 2014 - I don't usually consider a filled MM a variety, but it is the first 53-S I have seen. I also have a 34-D filled MM.
Designer Initials very very weak. All that is there are slight bumps. Ebay.
Scar Nose - Teletrade - Brilliant with a touch of gold, above average luster.
RPM-1 The PUP is the large Die Break on the upper lip. Found this raw on Ebay.
Beautiful SMS coin with strong clashing on Obverse & Reverse - Found on Ebay and had to have it.
Roosie struck from Canceled Dies - Dateless (last digit 3) Older Holder without prongs - Ebay.