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1845 Medal Storer-1867 Bronze S. Appleton, MA Horticultural Society MS65 PCGS #683553

Julian AM-43 MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AWARD MEDAL. BRONZE. 42mm. Francis N. Mitchell. Obverse: Left-facing bust of Samuel Appleton, his name above and MDCCCXLV (the Roman numeral date 1845) below. Reverse: MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY along the perimeter. The center left blank in order to be engraved with the awardee's info. This example was left unengraved.

(c.1960's) Medal FH-116 Aluminum Abraham Lincoln SP67 PCGS #683559

Julian PR-12 ABRAHAM LINCOLN MEDAL. ALUMINUM. 76mm. George T. Morgan. Obverse: Right-facing bust of Lincoln, his name to the right and left “ABRAHAM / LINCOLN”. Reverse: Ornate banded wreath of oak and laurel surrounding inscription: “INAUGURATED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 4. 1861. SECOND TERM MARCH 4. 1865. ASSASSINATED APRIL 14. 1865.” Presumably only 38 were struck in aluminum. This is an extremely well-preserved example with a pleasant matte finish, which may be from oxidation. This particular medal came in a tattered red box, which presumably is original to the medal. When holding this piece in hand, what strikes me the most, besides being such a great, high relief design, is how light it is!

(c.1960's) Medal FH-209 Bronze William G. McAdoo SP65 PCGS #683564

Failor-Hayden List No. 209 WILLIAM G. McADOO. BRONZE. 76mm. George T. Morgan (0bverse). John R. Sinnock (Reverse). Obverse: Left-facing bust of William G. McAdoo. Inscription around: “WILLIAM GIBBS McADOO SECRETARY OF THE TREAURY 1913-1918. Reverse: Standing woman, as America, holding cornucopia full of coins and currency, rested on pedestal marked “PATRIA”. A plaque on this pedestal states “SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY MAR. 6. 1913 - DEC. 16. 1918 / DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS / DEC. 27. 1917 - JAN. 11. 1919”. Statue of Liberty behind. Steamship to left, battle ship to right. Steam engine to left and soldiers below, marching right. There is a ton of symbolism in this reverse design. While the Mint produced this between the date of its original issuance through the 1980s, this example is an early strike, likely made in the late teens or twenties. It’s surfaces are smooth with sharp details and a a layer of lacquer, which was something normally applied to medals in this period. No wear is evident. The reverse is signed “M. & S.” - a true collaboration piece.