34M93A 的钱币相册
Mintage: 800. This coin exhibits a cameo-like effect when tilted beneath a light source. The surfaces are bathed in a mixture of pastel gold-tan, crimson, lavender, and sky-blue, and display sharply struck design elements. All four diamonds are bold, and the feather tips are strong. No distractions of note. Coin has a better than even shot at 65+.
Mintage: 1,000. CAC, CAC Pop 15/5 (06/19). Sharply struck motifs. Gold surfaces with rose and mint-green highlights throughout highly reflective fields.
Mintage: 1,000. Glassy mirrors, no spots or prints, nicely frosted devices both obv. and rev. and offering magnificent, wholly original golden-orange/red color. On the cusp of Cameo, though it didn't get the designation in my one attempt at re-grade. Nevertheless, a very scarce date in Gem red or higher.
Mintage: 1,000. Glassy mirrors, no spots or prints, nicely frosted devices both obv. and rev. and offering magnificent, wholly original golden-orange/red color. On the cusp of Cameo, though it didn't get the designation in my one attempt at re-grade. Nevertheless, a very scarce date in Gem red or higher.
Mintage: 960. OGH. Stable brick red, no spots, carbon or prints. A very high end 64.
Mintage: 1,100. Nice, even color and highly reflective. Very high-end 5. There is "+" in the coin and 66 is not out of the question.
Mintage: 1,150. I much prefer stable brick-red for my Indian proofs and never touch those wildly overpriced RB and BN coins with circus colors one frequently sees. This photo is, of course, a typical, juiced TruView. The coin itself, however, is light golden/tan and highly reflective and is pleasing to a traditional palate. Could easily be a 5, but never red or cameo, so not worth a re-grade. Ex Larry Shepherd Collection.
Mintage: 900. OGH. Well in-grade, "wood-grain" toning. A great coin for a key.
Mintage: 3,200. OGH. Rich, original orange and cherry red with deeply mirrored fields and nicely frosted devices. 1879's don't usually come with deep fields. This coin has them, but the camera has limitations.
Mintage: 3,955. No cancers, spots or prints. I put it into my set as it has an unusual dewy translucence not captured in the photo.
Mintage: unknown (Snow estimate, 2,500). OGH. Abundant brick red and plum with traces of purple. No spots or carbon. An altogether superb 66, with rev. particularly PQ.
Mintage: 2,740. Vibrant brick and golden red, no spots or prints and pleasing overall eye appeal.
Mintage: 2,745. Eagle Eye Photo Seal. Not a difficult issue, but this coin is clean and the colors attractive, though I don't normally buy anything but stable brick red.
Mintage: 2,185. Not hard to find a nice proof '93 by any means, but the issue is sadistically tough in Cameo. This coin is Cameo in anyone's book. I don't disagree with the grade, but I think it's close on the "Red" score. PCGS will not give the Cameo designation to any Indian cent that is not also designated "Red."
Mintage: 1,862. CAC, CAC Pop 1/1 (06/19). Ex Perfection 2 Collection. Scarce in full Red, regardless of grade. This piece is boldly struck and deeply mirrored. Sun-gold surfaces with cherry-red and amber hues.
Mintage: 1,936. Brick red, no spots, prints or distractions and nice mirrors. A solid 65 that would fit nicely into any high-end Indian proof collection.
Mintage: 2,031. This coin is technically a middle of the pack 65, though no carbon or spots. However, the color is glow-in-the-dark spectacular. Florescent pink around the rims fading into brick red. The photo falls short unfortunately.
Mintage: 2,262. CAC. CAC Pop: 12/1 (08/18). Gorgeous proof cent with considerable mint red, virtually no brown and no spots or prints. Deeply reflective fields and frosted devices allow for a substantial cameo contrast, though not designated as such.
Mintage: 1,985. Superb brick-red 4. Deeply mirrored fields and impressive contrast. Hand-picked from the same raw set as my 1884 and graded for the first time in 2014. Not surprised with the 64, but a bit miffed that it didn't get cameo designation. May try a re-grade.
Mintage: 1,475. CAC. CAC Pop 3/0 (03/20). The 1907 has the lowest mintage of any post-1900 issue. Superb striking detail and exceptionally nice color, vibrant peach and orange-red, with frosted devices and deeply mirrored fields. The coin has everything you'd expect in a true cameo, except the label. An absolute standout. .
Mintage 1,670. OGH. A highly respectable example of an elusive date in 64RD, No spots, cancers or prints and well-above-average mirrors for a 64. A coin that is worthy of this set at a reasonable price.
Bought this coin by "mistake" at auction. Intended to bid on a '26S and bid max '26S money pre-auction. Got lucky as the live bidders didn't go nuts and this coin is a better than decent 63.
Submitted raw. Had to be dipped, no choice. As magnificent a head as there is on an SLQ, and on a '19S no less. Rivets, inner-shield, breast and wing-feather details are all there too.